Saturday, January 7, 2012

Quick update

Just a small evening post (It's evening in Russia now) about the cute look I worked out a few days ago. And a big sorry about the quality, there is something wrong with my camera. You probably wondering why I shoot all the looks at home and there is a reason why: the russian weather. This week we have just a non-stop snow all day and all night, so when the weather will be better I'll show you my great winter coat!
And a little bit about the look. The most important thing in it is the color combination and look how cute is the body's print looks like a little planets! And love my old watches,the shape is so unusual.
And Merry Christmas,Orhodox!


  1. hi! nice outfit! i saw you're looking for some followers, so we could follow each other, what do you think? leave me a comment :)

  2. nice but I think bigger photos would be better (:

  3. Jessica Jersey thank you for your advice)
    Check out the next post I made them bigger ;)
